PANDA: Prevention of Maternal Anaemia to avoid Preterm Delivery and other Adverse Outcomes
I am really proud to be working on the PANDA project and it has been a real insight into how research is done to improve healthcare for pregnant and post partum women and babies. I am treated as one of the project team with my input regularly sought and included in the project’s development to ensure the public view is accounted for in how the work is conducted and the trial participants’ experience is enhanced to improve the outcomes.
Members of Notts Maternity are supporting the PANDA research programme, led by Professor Simon Stanworth, NHS Blood and Transplant, Oxford.
Members of the Network were involved since 2018 in planning the research. PANDA stands for Prevention of maternal anaemia to avoid preterm delivery and other adverse outcomes. The research team are trying to see whether preventing anaemia, rather than treating it once it has happened, might be beneficial for the health of women and their babies.
Notts Maternity members influenced the design of the research and how it is carried out.Two of the Network, Stephanie Lax and Joanne Murray, are members of the research team. Several members have taken part in workshops and supported the development of questionnaires and interviews.
The PANDA research started in 2020 and will take 5 years to complete.