Nottingham Maternity Research Network
University of Nottingham

ARM@DA Project: A Realist Inquiry into Maternity Care @ a Distance 

The Maternal Health and Wellbeing Research Group at the University of Nottingham is undertaking a project to explore implementation of remote/virtual maternity care. The study is called ARM@DA (A Realist Inquiry into Maternity Care @ A Distance) and seeks to understand how digital consultations can work to support safe, personalised and appropriate maternity care and to clarify when they might be most appropriately used, for whom, when, and in what contexts.

The 18-month project is being led by Dr Catrin Evans and is a realist review. This is a type of evidence synthesis that incorporates extensive stakeholder engagement (including health professionals, maternity advocacy and community organisations and service users), alongside an in-depth and comprehensive review of the global evidence in this area. One of the project co-applicants is Candice Sunney, a member of the Nottingham Maternity Research Network. Candice and several other NMRN members are playing an active role in every aspect of the project. 

The review output will be a theoretically-grounded explanatory framework for safe, appropriate and acceptable digital consultations in maternity care that can be used by NHS stakeholders to guide future service development, policy, practice and research.


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We would love you to get involved in our stakeholder events and webinars. See the ARM@DA project website for more details and to express an interest.  Or drop us an email: 
Professor Catrin Evans




Nottingham Maternity Research Network

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